With less experience you can get a great job

Jafer Arar
2 min readDec 18, 2018


More years means more experience.This concept must be considered and redefined. It is usually a big concern for young people today and before about how can they close up the gap between less experience and market’s demands?

Unfortunately, for any employer; experience acquires the largest weight in any assessment for any vacant position.

May they are right to do that, but there is a main question must be raised here:

Why are we looking for experience?

Usually employers do that because they think it will guide them to the right person who will be able to do the job they need.

Accordingly, they look for a certain number of years, and accept the new employee mostly based on it.

But, are resumes prove the real abilities? Can we depend only on the number of years ?

We all know that experience is something cannot be bought or hired...! It will be produced by “Factor of Time”. As more time passes; as more actions and reactions to be faced, as more knowledge, know-how and experience will be gained.

In my opinion and to do something can affect on this factor and short it cut; you have to do some marketing…!!!

Basically, you have to expose what you have, what you do and what you can give.

Let’s say you have a good experience in Aerodynamic Engineering, how can you transfer this massage to whom may concern..?

The classical way; is to mention all related stuff in your resume and put some references for confirmation and fill all of them up in your LinkedIn’s account .

Let me be more specific; today most of professional people use LinkedIn to build an account and list down all professional abilities, certificates and all other related experience matters. Personally, I’m always getting surprised when I have a look inside my connections’ accounts..!! Most of them are managers?? But when you look carefully inside, you will not find any solid stuff reflect their claiming abilities.

I mean there is no articles, no project tubes, or even photos to what they actually do.

What will be the main concern for any company’s board to appoint a new CEO??

A resume or LinkedIn account?! Sure NO..!!

They will look for a clear and strong history of experience showing that the proposed CEO made that task before; built a real business, scale it, save a company from falling down…etc

No matter how many years are listed down in your resume; any employer needs the employee who can do what job requires.

Do you want to be the next Jack Welch..? May you have all the capabilities..!! But you have to prove that..!! you have to do something similar; something let people say: he did it once so he can do it again…! Let’s hire him…!!

