When shall I start my business…?

Jafer Arar
3 min readSep 23, 2018


“Market is already overwhelmed”…”There is an economical crises”…”Wait and don’t wast your money”

These are some of phrases that you will hear in case you think or decide to start your own business.

Literally, may they are right. But, is it right to wait until all circumferences to be Ok and safe..?

Actually, market has the same condition since the beginning of life. There were always Ups and Downs. And during that, some people build a real wealth.

But how much is it easy to say that…?

Let me tell you a part of my story. By the way, it is early to say it is a success story, but at least it is a real one.

CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) is a tool, that helps mechanical engineers to verify and validate systems and products by using simulation. It helps them to confirm the performance, before building a physical prototype or start manufacturing process.

Amazing right..?

But the use of this tool -CFD- is still limited. It depends on how much the economy of country needs this tool to develop the technology that it really has.

We established Nabtaker Co. LLC. (Engineering Solutions Consultancy Company) to fit it up in Qatari Market.

Qatar has a developing economy. It depends on producing Oil and Gas. It has a bright future if you compare it to other parts in Middle East Region.

The industrial field in Qatar mainly depends on technology that brought up as a package from US, EU, Japan and others. Local developing technology is limited.

The issue is, we know CFD as a tool will be benefit in many different ways. But how to approach that..?

The Information Revolution gives anyone the ability to build a good technology, depending on worldwide experience, and faster than any age before.

So we started..!

In Qatar and like other gulf countries, HVAC industry is a huge field. Recently, there is a trend to get the advantage of simulation and use it to confirm the performance of HVAC system during design stage, which can prevent and avoid any poor performance in the future.

This was a solid and reference point to start with, and go further..!

Why can not we use the same concept for existing facilities; to sort out and solve any improper cooling condition?

We did it and it’s going on..!

We’ve offered QU (Qatar University) to do a mock sample for one of its existing Auditorium to help them improving the existing HVAC system (see details here).

What I want say is; building a solid business concept requires a deep thinking and proper time. But shall we figure it out 100% and and wait for all circumference to be Ok..?

If you believe in your idea, just get up and do it. Let your idea to be reframed and grinded in the market.

If you try to find a very clear gap in market to fill it up; wait till you do. But, do you think that founders of Facebook, Google, Apple or Snapchat waited till they found clear gaps..??

They believed in their ideas and work on them. They create their own pitches and change the entire game rules. They put new standards for new industry…!

No matter what is the field you aim to be in, just do it, and don’t waste more time by watching and waiting.

Good luck ..!

