…Shall We Stop or Continue..?

Jafer Arar
3 min readFeb 2, 2019


12 months ago we started building an Engineering Company which is called Nabtaker Engineering. Of course the original idea was early before, but the real job was only in the last 12 months.

What we have learned and still is much more than a single blog. But being survive -literally- and still have the same dream; is really something deserves to be talked about.

After 12 months of building a business we reached to a critical point; to Continue or to Stop…!!

It is easy to say we have to continue and we should not give up. But when you look at papers and numbers on them, the issue will be more complicated and complex to judge.

What I want to say here is; there are two factors are affecting on the whole situation, and I believe they will conclude our decision at the final.

1- Passion

Keeping it up and to certain level is one the principles that should be kept and protected for any entrepreneur in his journey.

At the beginning it was easy for us to control and keep our passion at the highest level we could. But once the journey get passed, the issue start getting more difficult. Obstacles are endless. Overcome them is a normal result if you keep working.

But keeping this mentality is not an easy thing..!!

At this stage we do not need to watch movies or read articles and stories to inspire ourselves.. ! Basically, we need something more practical and realistic.

Something from within..!

What supported us and still is what we really do, what we really act everyday.

Small details from here and there do that. They work as a fuel. Sometimes a single nice comment in LinkedIn for our job and what you do makes a big difference by within, and reflected on your attitude as well.

2- Keep Digging

You will not get new results if you still do the same jobs with the same routine. You have to try new ways…notice and rectify.

I still remember when we passed 6 months without getting any single client. The situation was difficult. One of our friends who understands what we do; told us: “You do a great job, but you have to do a good marketing too”.

We got his advice and start focusing on marketing process. We began by weekly basis emails to the proposed clients. New actions had been received, so we rectified our campaigns and revised them. Then we noticed that the same people who received our emails are available in Whatsapp too. Let’s go them there…??

Shall we broadcast messages and disturb them??

No..! We started creating business stories in “status” and let contacts see them without any disturbing. Actually, it made a difference.

What I want to say here is; you have to Digg, vertically and horizontally. You have to search, try new ways, change your techniques and evaluate them after that.

This process should not stop. It guides you to the best solutions. It shows you where you are. But you have to keep in your mind that it is also not an easy or quick response process. It will shake the existing situation, and the most important thing; it inspires you and keep your passion up till a certain moment..!

