No Matter What the Challenge is.. I’m Ready..!!

Jafer Arar
2 min readSep 18, 2019


From 2017 I decided to start a business. I selected the field and started accordingly. From that year I can say; I passed many challenges, but there were three they are the main.

Challenge#1: Mastering the Craft

To start a business you should be master in your field.

Refreshing my knowledge about CFD which was my interest during college study was the first step I did. I took two technical courses, read many books and did a lot of practices. Were these enough?? No..!

Mastering process is a consistent and endless process. Basically, it is a life style attitude. But as an advice..don’t wait there for a long time. Part of being a “Master” is to start working and acting. You will not be a master by staying at home reading about entrepreneurship or sitting behind your laptop do practicing. You have to start and kick off the game. By the time you will be guided to the areas you have to focus on.

Challenge#2: Establishing a Company

It was a risk. I paid too much of money for something not visible or real. A lot of my friends advised me to strat as a freelancer in order to reduce expenses and risk. I refused the idea. Because in this kind of business “Engineering Solutions” you have to let clients feel confident. Once you start something; let it be professional from the beginning. People will not pay thousands of dollars for just a freelancing tasks. They need someone who can convince them and get responsibility and liability.

Challenge#3: Making It works

All what I mentioned above were great. But if you could not make it works and generates money, everything will be meaningless. It took me months to get the first job. That day I was not believing myself. The dream is being fact. Thoughts are getting real. What I did is a real business now..!!

Where am I right now..?

I can say I’m facing right now the fourth challenge. About how to keep everything stable. How to convert growing to be stable and consistent process.

It is not easy at all. Getting a new client today and waiting for months to get a new one is for sure a sign that you are still in a critical stage. Cash flow is still unstable and tomorrow is not clear.

Is there a possibility to lose everything. Yes of course..! And the percentage is high too. But looking back at the whole stations I passed, makes me feel and believe that I can do it and pass this challenge.

The confidence I got is being strengthened and supported day by day. It forces you to keep going, to explore the way you started, and listen to that little voice within.

