Is it a good Idea to Start a Business in Middle East..?

Jafer Arar
4 min readApr 7, 2019


Another version of Arab Spring Starts in Algeria

Crises..political clashes..wars will come to your mind when you talk about Middle East. Now, is this a good environment to start a business in..?? This is what I will try to answer and explain.

As a I belong to this region, I can talk a lot about this. I can talk about opportunities, hopes, future and for sure the current complicated situation we live in.

In 2011 the year of Arabs Spring - a series of anti-government protests- there was a big hope that Middle East will finally join the growing world, and will take its opportunity to develop and be part of the Modern Democratic World.

Middle East has been governed and still by some dictators who came mainly from military background and get a strong support from some western governments. These regimes do not accept the idea that Law and System must take place. What happened in 2011 was something that changed and moved a lot of things. People -mainly youths- in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Yemen and Libya protested and asked for a main demand; freedom and equity. They stand for couple of months in streets and squares asking for the change and a better life for all.

Unfortunately, the Spring got ended in less than two years. But it is not died. What happened later was a Reverse Revolution by the old regimes that got back and hammered people and again with a horrible silence from most of the World. In brief, these old regimes did not accept what happened, and did not allow all the advantages and interests to be released from them.

As a result, the situation now in Syria or Yemen is not suitable to talk about democracy or freedom. The main demand now is to stop killing people.

In any way, I still believe there are reasons to keep hoping and dreaming, and go further to start something on the ground which can be part of the change we hope to this region.

Reason#1 You can not always survive

Physically, and as any employee, your main goal is to save your position and get progressed, improved and promoted as well. But there is no guarantee this situation will be the same for the next year. If you survive in 2018 from a layoff due to low price of oil, there is no clue or insurance you will do next year.

What is the solution for this..? Practically to have an idea and convert it to be a real project in the market. There is no guarantee you will success, but at least you don’t have much better choices. Starting a business and keep it alive is not an easy process, but once it moves, you will see the difference and how you start be in a kind of proper way that helps you focus on progress rather than totally burned out to keep yourself and your position safe.

Reason#2 Environment has totally changed

We live in an age that all the required resources are available. If you want to start something you can easily read about it . Knowledge can be reached by anyone. Moreover, tools are available for anyone and in different options; incubation centers, courses, mentors, technological solutions are all available too. There is no excuse why you can not start and be professional in something you really want.

Reason#3 We have a right

This is a different type of reasons. It is not a touchable one, but it is something must be considered.

This region -Middle East- like any other region in the world have dozens of resources and full of educated people, which were abused by some people who are not elected or even qualified.

Why should an educated Syrian Youth take a fatal risk and leave his home to pass the Mediterranean Sea to Europe? This guy has the right to stay at home and get an equal opportunity like others…!!

Why should a student in Gaza Strip wait for months to open the border and be able to leave abroad to continue his/her undergraduate studies.?

What I want to say, we all have rights. These rights must be fought for them. If I leave or give up or just be part of the existing system which is already corrupted; I’ll give a clear sign that I accept this for the rest of my life.!!

Entrepreneurship is a kind of support that shows youths in whole Middle East that they can do something, they can add value, be part of the global progress and the most important thing to prove they have a right to work hard and fight to make a better life for them and for their children later.

