I don’t Need a Mentor..! Do You?

Jafer Arar
3 min readJul 29, 2019


Several weeks ago, we were pricing a project. All aspects and matters were OK, it was clear for us that there is a good opportunity to get that job. After couple of days, I got known by the client that our price is actually the double of the lowest price the client has. I tried to explain him why our price is high..? Actually, I don’t know if what I did and said was rational or not…! The client told me that they are going to finalize the contract by end of the same day.

I thought too much on that day; if I should do something. Shall I give a big discount…? Or shall I call sombody for advice..?

What happened was simple, I could not call anybody, because I thought there is no one can understand the exact technical situation we are in, or understand if we really need that job in any way or we can leave it.

Finally, I decided to keep it as it is and hope the explanation I told was enough to convince the client. By end of that day we got an email regret and mention that the project has been awarded to another company…!!

Having a mentor in the physical meaning is one the most important thing that any entrepreneur must have.

At the early days of starting my company, I thought I was fully understand the concept behind having a mentor. That is why I tried to find one, I met some people, but without dedicating and informing anybody that I will consider him as a mentor for me. The people who I met were Entrepreneurs, but not from the same field I work in.

To cover this gap, I start reading books and articles, I thought this will be enough, and do the mission.

Books can not cover the details

During our daily works we face a lot of issues and problems to be solved and sorted out in somehow. Some of them can be figured out by ourselves or our staff. Others may need a specialist to be hired.

But there are some issues which need and require a deep advice, need to be discussed in details, need to be followed up.

Who will do that must know you well. Know what you do, your company’s history, what background you start with, what goals you try to reach and up to which level you can go.

All these details will boost your efforts and reduce the risk you may face.

Now, if there is no specific mentor, you will be forced to depend on your experience (short or long). It is right that the best kind of experience is coming from the knowledge that is going to be built and gained slowly and cumulatively through the journey. It is right that this type of process (usually slow) will help you to build a strong and deep experience that will be an arm for you to depend on. But again, there will be some moments requires a sharp, quick, tricky and strategical decisions to be taken. At that moment you need that person or people who mentor, orient, advise and cut short your matters.

