How can you let customers return back again and again..?

Jafer Arar
3 min readNov 25, 2018

Building a solid business requires gaining more customers day after day and acquiring their loyalty as well.

Here are 3 main reasons-as per my experience-affect on customers, and let them return back to you and to your business again.

Reason#1: They believe in your abilities

Customers looks for people who can solve their problems by best solutions. “Best” as a value can be evaluated and measured by cost, time, quality, durability and etc.

Accordingly, a relation will be built and supported by some kind of trust. Simply, they tested you and knew that you can benefit them as you did in the first time. That’s why they came to you and they will do the same later on.

But trust is not a value that can be built by a day and night. It is a result of accumulative efforts over time. Trust is reflected by your abilities, your attitude and the most important your accomplishments.

If that happened, all other issues will not make a concern or an obstacle to your client to close another contract with you in the future.

Reason#2: You don’t talk about money

Is it difficult..? May be ..! But one of the worst attitude in business is to start any job by talking about cost. It will directly draw to the client’s mind many assumptions except professionalism.

For sure there is a moment you have to discuss commercial issues, but don’t start with. Try to postpone it till you clear all aspects and concerns. Let your client feels fully satisfied and understand the road map you are going to follow to finish the job.

If that really happened, the commercial issues and all the discussions and negotiations will be much easier than you imagine.

Reason#3: They know you have kind of values and you strongly respect them

We had just started our company “Nabtaker” less than a year. We had stayed couple of months looking for the first client. Finally, and after completing 7 months, we got two in the same day.. !

The contract was closed with the first one easily. The second one surprised us when he asked for something additional..! Something illegal ..!! Actually, he requested some additional money out of the contract.!!

Our reply was clear and without any hesitate: NO..!

Three weeks later; he returned back, without any additional request. Basically, we got the job with respecting our values and let others know this kind of requests doesn’t work.

Your values and integrity must be your first priority. No manipulation ..No hidden bargains.

Now, I can not guarantee if it will always works with you like what happened with us. Because sometimes you might lose big contracts because of that. But, what I can guarantee is; you will always win yourself respect and others as well.

Believe me, if you fall once in this dark trap, you are going to lose a lot of things. You will be part of corruption in somehow and your clients will not respect you.

Put your values first and work hard on your abilities to meet requirements of the market . As a result; bonds with clients will be enhanced and their loyalty will be protected.

