2 Strategies to Beat any Competitor

Jafer Arar
3 min readDec 21, 2020


Everyday, the competition between people, companies, nations is getting harder and more tough. In business field and in every year, markets shrink and expand due to new players get in or reducing the demand as what happen this year because of pandemic.

During last two years (our company age), and as we started in a field the competitors are not that much (almost blue ocean), we were concentrating in building and growing up, we didn’t feel the heat of others and we thought no ones feels us..!

But as we go ahead; we understand and see how many jobs are gone due to competition.

From the beginning, we had two strategies; which we follow and stick with day by day. As much we able to adjust and control them along with good pricing process, as much as we terminate competition and gain more jobs .

Strategy #1: Using Technology

New technology (in all directions) gives us the ability to maneuver and avoid many competitions battles. As we are a CFD Solution & Service Provider, we approach all the tools based on cloud services. That gives us two advantages; 1) Reducing Cost and 2) Reducing Time.

On the other hand; competitors are older and bigger than us; they depend on what we can call: traditional technology tools, which limited them and left them stuck with old fashion services.

In addition, their cost (mainly overhead) is bigger than us. To exchange it to be cloud basis services; will request them a lot and waste big investments they spent.

Basically, what gives us this advantage is our core business. CFD Analysis we provide is not a traditional tool in Engineering Field. We always introduce to our clients how using CFD (which is strongly depends on IT Technology) in their works will give them the ability to be apart from their competitors. Using CFD in engineering field, will reduce both of cost and time, rework will be avoided and give a solid liability to the engineering services they provide.

Stratigy#2: To be Specialist

As much as we focus on the one field as much we are able to deliver the best services in the market. When you get a look on our website, you will notice how much we are focused, we do only one thing; Providing CFD Services..!

This gives us two advantages; 1) Our experience is built quickly. 2) Our expertise is getting more solid.

What does that mean for any client..? It means his/her problem is familiar to us and we know well how to approach it accurately.

It is good to be a multiservice provider, especially if it is a financial approach. Being that, may gives you several income resources, and protect your cashflow in crises. But it will diffuse your strength and make you by years colorless in the market.

For customers, clients or end users; low price is not the solo tend to deal with this company or that one. In many cases, being the “specialist one” is the tend to go with you.

